SoulSearch Enlightenment Expo, Scottsdale, AZ

Have you had a Starseed Reading yet?

If not, please come to the SoulSearch Enlightenment Expo in Scottsdale, AZ this weekend and stop by my booth. During a Starseed reading, I will share where your soul spark originated–as in which star system! I also share other star systems in which you’ve had lifetimes, and which archangels work with you! I will also be offering mini quantum-healing sessions and my self-healing tools: Emotional and Chakra Balancing Elixirs and Wellness Kits If you’ve never been to this fair, there will be quantum healers, psychics, angel and spirit channelers, mediums, oracle readers, tarot and palmistry readers, past life and Akashic Records specialists, aura photographers, hypnotists, energy healers, bodyworkers, yoga and meditation centers, and vendors of crystals and stones, candles, jewelry, art, clothing, skincare, wellness products, and much more! January 13-14; 10-6. Saturday – Sunday
In Light, Cheri
Divine Light Codes

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