girl holding her arms out in the light
Soul Journey

About Me

Finding myself, and moving from the darkness into the light.
Cheri Arellano holding a cattail on the beach

Cheri Maria Arellano


I AM on a mission to share my light with humanity and assist awakening souls to reach their divine inner wisdom and soul's path. As a Starseed, battle Angel, and a light code keeper for Gaia, I hold the light codes for the New Earth, one of unity consciousness, abundance, and sovereignty for all beings.


Born into Chaos, Summer of Love, 1969


It was the Summer of Love, 1969, Miami. It was a big year in U.S. history. “The Man” landed on the moon, the Vietnam War was in full force, the hippies of San Francisco were in full swing, and free love was all the rage. Bam! On Summer Solstice, my soul decided to join the party, and I crash-landed into my body into the most dysfunctional home one could imagine. Hello Starseed Mission!



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Complimentary Discovery

Let's Talk

Are you interested in energy healing? Have you recently awakened to your soul's mission? Do you feel a calling toward your life's path? Are you ready to let go of old trauma and limiting beliefs?

It is part of my soul's mission to help humanity ascend, awaken and evolve to our next greatest iteration.

Let’s work together and call in your divine alignment!

Book a complimentary discovery call today, and let's see how I can help.