Spiritual Warfare 101 with Laura Van Tyne
Spiritual warfare is real, ladies and gentlemen! Have you been experiencing more negativity, psychic attacks, attachments, illness, and strange anomalies than usual? You might be under spiritual attack. Learn tips for staying safe, sovereign, and clear from negative energies in this exclusive interview with Laura Van Tyne and Cheri Arellano on The Ascension Sessions.
THUR., 12/19, 7pm, MST
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About Laura:
A Remote Viewer, Author, and Speaker, Laura Van Tyne holds a B.S. in Education, a B.A. in Spanish, and a master’s degree in Second Language Acquisition, with much of her life spent as a middle school teacher. She specializes in soul health, emphasizing the unseen energetic world’s impact on free will and soul wellness. When we learn to discern otherworldly beings—who they are and where they come from—we take our power back. When we learn to connect with light beings, we can attain wisdom, insight, and fantastic assistance along our karmic journey.
Laura’s expertise includes past-life regression, etheric implant removal, quantum healing hypnosis, soul integration, and spiritual self-defense. Understanding reincarnation and what happens after death is vital to achieving soul sovereignty. For more information about her services, online programs, or speaking engagements, visit TheKarmicPath.com.

About Cheri:
Cheri Arellano is the founder of Divine Light Codes®, where she offers energy healing, frequency upgrades, Starseed readings, and self-healing elixirs. She is also the host of The Ascension Sessions and The Divine Lunch Hour podcasts, where she explores spiritual awakening and seeks the truth about higher consciousness.
Certified in The Crystalline Healing Light® and Quantum Psionics®, Cheri specializes in raising vibrational frequencies, holographic DNA reprogramming, and clearing limiting beliefs. She helps clients remove etheric chips, implants, attachments, and expired vows or soul contracts. Cheri transmits healing light codes to assist others in integrating their divinity and illuminating their unique light. Her clients include Starseeds, and spiritual seekers worldwide. Learn more about her services, products, and speaking engagements at DivineLightCodes.com.
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