Healing Services
Are you ready for an energy healing, a space clearing, a wellness reading, or a Starseed reading? Or are you ready to go deep and experience a lighter, more peaceful version of yourself? Work with me for a 1:1 session or consider a longer, healing program for all Starseeds and light beings.
I’m so glad you were guided here. My name is Cheri Maria Arellano and I’m working with the Divine Mother to help evolving Starseeds to get their soul path back on track and to remember their divinity once again.
Together we restore you to your original divine blueprint so that you can let go of self-doubt, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, narcissistic abuse, inner child wounds, ancestral traumas, self-sabotage, and the emotional rollercoaster.
I want you to know that you are a Divine Soul and that you deserve all the love, happiness, and joy in this life and realm to fulfill your Divine Soul's Path. The time is now to remember who you are, your divine gifts and to raise your frequencies so you can shine your light for others!
Peek at the love notes from our incredible customers and clients!